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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

CEF Lead Executives

Latest Sustainability Reporting


  • Utility Consumption:
  • 25% reduction in utility emissions per year at Seattle campus from 2012 emission volumes (a net reduction of over 950 MTCO2e per year)
  • Business Travel: 28% reduction per employee in MTCO2e per year from 2012 emission volumes.
  • Commuting: 61% of all commutes to the Seattle campus were taken via alternative commute modes, including walking, biking, carpooling, vanpooling, and public transportation.
  • Waste: 90% waste diversion from landfill rate achieved in 2018 and maintained in 2019.

Recent News


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledged to invest $1.4 billion to help smallholder farmers address the immediate and long-term impacts of climate change. This will fund immediate action and long-term initiatives over four years to help smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia build resilience and food security. The foundation also announced investments in the Africa Adaptation Initiative to build a pipeline of “climate-smart” agriculture projects across 23 countries in Africa, in the development of new digital technologies to help smallholder farmers anticipate and respond to climate threats, and in innovations for improving livestock health and productivity while reducing their climate footprint. (Nov 2022)



The U.K. and Canada are co-leading the new Adaptation Research Alliance, a group of 90 national governments, aid organizations, and universities across 30 economies. The alliance will fund and coordinate research for effective climate-adaptation solutions,particularly for communities most vulnerable to climate change. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a CEF member, is a founding alliance member. (Nov 2021)

The U.S. and the UAE launched the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate), a joint initiative to mobilize public-private investment and other support for “climate-smart” agriculture and food-systems innovation through 2025. The U.S. plans to mobilize $1 billion of investment by 2025. 31 countries including Brazil and 48 NGO and corporate partners have joined the initiative, including CEF members Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BASF, and PepsiCo. (Nov 2021)

2021 Goalkeepers Report (The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) Illustrates how the pandemic has impacted progress toward the UN SDGs. While 90% of advanced economies are expected to regain pre-pandemic per capita income levels by 2022, only a third of low- and middle-income economies are expected to do so. (Sept 2021)

Will give $2.1 billion over the next 5 years to advance women's economic empowerment ($650 million) and leadership ($100 million over 5 years, $230 million over 10 years), and better women and girls' health and family planning ($1.4 billion). (July 2021)

Bill Gates published a new book: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. (February, 2021)



Bill Gates published the article, “COVID-19 is awful. Climate change could be worse.” (August 2021)


In the 2020 GatesNotes Annual Letter, Bill and Melinda Gates share their views on the climate crisis, how it impacts the work of the foundation, and their belief that a climate catastrophe can be avoided. (February 2020)



The Gates Foundation committed $310M to advancing climate adaptation efforts in the areas of agriculture and food security. (September, 2019)


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